Catching our eye this week:

One point many Christians have made about the story of Christians forced to flee Mosul and other places in northern Iraq is that the ”mainstream media is not reporting this.” Arguably for a week or so, the mainstream media seemed a bit slow to get onto the story. But that is no longer true.

Here are two good examples of recent media coverage. The New York Times engages the silence of protestors in Western countries about the fate of the Christians. Why demonstrate about lives lost in Gaza but not Mosul? Meanwhile, The Economist, always good at backgrounding, explains what sort of Christians are under threat.

This week photos of events in Iraq got a lot of attention. But here is a different set of images, admittedly challenging, that do deserve a look. Melinda Tankard Reist explains why you should see them, here.

Now that you have been provoked on the issue of women’s images, take time to consider what one writer finds bad about women’s ministry-and what she loves about it. “I don’t like women’s ministries that are about Christian womanhood. I like women’s ministries that are about The Gospel.”

I can still remember the shock of finding out that Bob Dylan had become a Christian. Ben Myers tells the story of Dylan’s “evangelical decade” here.


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