Gordon is the director of Ethos EA Centre for Christianity and Society.

Where do you live and go to church?

I live at Brunswick West, Victoria. I church at Spotswood Anglican where I’m minister, about 15 minutes away.

What was the first book of the Bible you ever read?

I don’t know exactly but I remember reading Acts as a teen in Bible study and being grabbed by its vision of the Early Church.

Where do you read the Bible?

No one place: in bed, at my desk, online.

What’s one thing from the Bible that’s stuck in your brain at the moment?

That God knows us from womb to tomb, from our first grandchild in the womb to my father in the nursing home (Psalm 139).

Name one part of the Bible you keep coming back to again and again and why.

Romans 8 is possibly my favourite – it sings with hope for a world renewed in Christ.

Describe one of your Bible reading failures and what you learnt.

Doing contents exams on every book of the Bible in first year at Moore College made it a bit dry, but looking back I learnt a lot. My son’s on his second run in a row through the Bible in a year and learning heaps. I think it was the exam bit that was the problem for me.

What advice would you give someone struggling to read the Bible each day?

Don’t obsess over the every day bit but look back to the last time & meditate on a line or so and practice it.

And just for fun, if you were a monster what would be your defining feature?

My roar.

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