As thousands of youth gear up for a week at schoolies, celebrating the end of their secondary-schooling lives, so too are close to 2,000 volunteers for Red Frogs. The organisation has been supporting youth at schoolies since 1997, with the bulk of their work recruiting and deploying Christian volunteers helping walk people to their accommodation, getting them home safely after a night on the town, padding their stomachs with pancakes, supporting them in crisis and just being there when things go awry.

Here’s a look at what they do in numbers:

7 ways to go on Schoolies as a Christian and have a good time and stay safe

Director of Red Frogs, Andy Gourley and National Youth Ministry Development Manager at Bible Socity Australia, Adrian Blenkinsop have some great tips for Christian schoolies:

  1. Just be yourself– don’t become someone you’re not and get caught up in the hype.
  2. Be the designated sober person and look after your mates. The more sober people around the better at big drinking parties. Just put it out there straight away that this is the role I’m going to have – to be the “desi” [designated driver] for the week.
  3. Be the liason with the Red Frog team. Call them if something goes wrong.
  4. Love your mates unconditionally and don’t judge them. It’s about being there for them. People catch more of what you do than what you say.
  5. Have clear boundaries. Be pretty certain of what ‘boundaries’ you are comfortable with (around if/how much you will drink etc) and stick to them.
  6. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re the only Christian. If there are a few of you, you can help keep each other accountable around those boundaries.
  7. Don’t be scared to be different. Schoolies is a great opportunity to hang out with friends who will make different choices to yours, and to be there to help them and keep them safe, and show them that choosing to be different is an option, and a courageous one.

Going on schoolies?

Download the Red Frog App.
Know the Red Frog hotline: 1300 557 123

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