Michael Bird condemns the outspoken proponent of infanticide, Peter Singer. He quotes Stella Young, who has a disability: “For me, Singer’s views about the hypothetical are not hypothetical at all. While he may see value in the life I’m living now, and may even treat me as an equal, he still believes that on the balance of things, parents and doctors should be given the choice to end lives like mine before they get tricky.”

Olympic Training vs Spiritual Training– Claire van Ryn, Faith like a mushroom
Winner of the 2012 Young Christian Writer Award this week, Claire van Ryn reflects on the differences between spiritual and Olympic training: “We all have dreams. We all have strengths and abilities. We’re all running a race with a finish line looming. The Bible is loaded with sporting metaphor, and the Olympic Games have certainly confirmed to me why that is. Athletes have to be some of the most disciplined beings on this grand old planet.Read full blog here.

Archbishop’s review of ‘When I Was a Child I Read Books’ – The Archbishop of Canterbury
“Liberal” is a word used positively in the Bible. Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams reviews Marilynne Robinson’s collection of essays, saying it ” cut[s] through both the conservative and the non-conservative uses of the word, and [seeks] to restore a very much richer meaning to it.” Read full review here.

As I sit dying – Ben Myers, Faith and Theology
“It is thirty years since the day my father explained death to me, since I looked into the wise dead eyes of the cat and understood. I’m trying, but I still haven’t reconciled myself to dying, not really. But when that faulty clock inside me stops ticking and there is no one about to wind it up again, I hope I will be able to die just as I have lived: forgiven.” Read full blog here.

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