Honest Christianity: an inviting expression of faith
How to discuss faith at uni
Things I am asked: What evidence is there for God?
The leading atheistic philosopher in the early twentieth century, Bertrand Russell, was once asked what…
'Humans are more than one-dimensional beings' says Christian apologist
Telling a Better Story: How to talk about God in a skeptical age by Joshua Chatraw
Wisdom for sceptics when Christianity seems implausible
Making Sense of God: An Invitation to the Sceptical, by Tim Keller
Looking at Jesus through Muslim eyes
Finding the ‘crux’ of the matter
What is lacking in Christianity - by a Hindu who turned to Jesus
Christians lack discipline and shy away from it, according to Rahil Patel, a senior Hindu…
Tim Costello joins Centre for Public Christianity
Costello is excited to engage in productive conversations about the core of the Christian faith
Dickson appointment to train a new generation to promote Christ
Ridley College has appointed historian and Christian apologist John Dickson to its faculty, to bring…
John Dickson steps down from church ministry
“I have to jump into the fray full-time to write and speak to people who don’t believe”
Flawed heroes of faith
Richard Shumack discovers feet of clay