An atheist claims they’re not superior to a believer, a new way to give birth + more

This article in the Guardian ruffled some feathers this week: “My atheism does not make me superior to believers. It’s a leap of faith too,” writes Ijeoma Oluo for ​The Guardian. “It’s easy to look at terror done in the names of different gods and think, look at these foolish religious folk. But we’re in no position to cast the first stone […] Atheism as a faith is quickly catching up in its embrace of divisive and oppressive attitudes. We have websites dedicated to insulting Islam and Christianity. We have famous atheist thought-leaders spouting misogyny and calling for the profiling of Muslims. As a black atheist, I encounter just as much racism amongst other atheists as anywhere else. We have hundreds of thousands of atheists blindly following atheist leaders like Richard Dawkins, hurling insults and even threats at those who dare question them.” Read the whole article, here.

An Aussie missionary in Tanzania is back in the country to give birth to her second child. Here, she pens some beautiful imagery about how she’s thinking about childbirth. “I’m going to give birth in a few months. When I mentioned that to someone, she made an offhand comment about God having seen many women give birth, a cloud of witnesses to birth, and that’s the image I’m picking up on this time. I’m choosing to see myself in a long line of women of God who have done this ordinary and harrowing and sacred task.” Read more, here.

Do you think you’ve got worship perfected. C.S. Lewis disagrees. “Lewis says that our worship services in local churches—both in how they are conducted and in our own capacity to participate—are merely ‘attempts’ at worship. They are never fully successful; in fact, he goes so far as to say that they are ‘often 99.9 percent failures, sometimes total failures.’”

Eric Abetz made some comments recently about how Christians get treated more harshly by the media than anyone else. In this opinion piece, Gemma Tognini says, “this is just one thread to a really complex tapestry. But those who view the relationship between the media and anyone with faith as some kind of war are best to remember that no battle of the heart, mind or soul was ever won by bleating, accusations of foul play or a strong arm.” Read her whole article, here.

ABC columnist Julia Baird had a piece on The Drum this week about what Tony Abbott got wrong about the gospel. It’s always nice to see the gospel get a run in the media! Read it, here.