A group of local atheists have taken their message to the people and bought billboard space on a prominent Sydney freeway. The sign reads: “Have you escaped religion? We have!”.

Sydney Atheists told news.com.au the group was made up of people who felt they’d “suffered” under organised religion, and that’s what prompted the message.

Eternity News spoke to a number of public Christians who regularly engage with atheists to see how they might respond, ranging from pithy one-liners, to more lengthy repartee.

Robert Martin (City Bible Forum Melbourne, blogs at Atheist Forum)
Some one-line responses:

“I escaped religion…and found Jesus.”

“What religion are you escaping from? I might want to do the same.”

“Have you escaped religion? I died at the hands of religious people – Jesus.”

Rob: “I think that the AFA and Sydney atheists are a bit out of touch. I don’t see many people suffering in the prison of religion.  I see most people living without ‘religion’ anyway, and those friends of mine who are “religious”  (i.e. Christian believers) see it as a wonderful source of freedom, inspiration and hope. Many “religious” Christians today are religious and happily so – they don’t see any need to escape.”

Mike Bird: Lecturer, Ridley College Melbourne
Two one-liners:
“Escaped Atheism? North Koreans can’t even if they wanted to.”

“Escaped Atheism? John Pokinghorne, Alister McGrath, Anthony Flew, C.S. Lewis, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn have.”

Natasha Moore (Fellow, Centre for Public Christianity)
Natasha: “I find it quite tasteful as polemical billboards go – invitational rather than offensive or aggressive. 
Good on them. This is a conversation worth having! Sadly, many people do have an experience of religion that is oppressive, intolerant, and uninterested in free and rigorous thought. We want everyone to “escape” from that kind of religion too. But from there: where to?

We think that a deep and thoughtful investigation of historical evidence, the human condition, and the quest for meaning and personal fulfilment can lead people to Jesus, who famously said that “the truth will set you free”. As G. K. Chesterton points out: “Merely having an open mind is nothing; the object of opening a mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.”

Murray Campbell (Baptist Pastor, blogs at Mentone Baptist)
Murray: “When I first saw this billboard I assumed that a Christian group must be behind it, given that the message is Christian. As a Christian I am grateful to this group for paying for and organising this evangelistic billboard. It is a great way to stimulate conversation about a very important and at-the-moment issue. I suspect that their intention wasn’t to create a slogan supporting the Christian worldview, but thanks any way.

The billboard’s message is almost analagous to  words Jesus often spoke:

‘You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free’ (John 8:32)

‘If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed’ (John 8:36)

The heart of the Christian message is that Jesus Christ offers freedom from slavery to religion and freedom from slavery to the irrationality of atheism – ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’ (John 10:10).”

Dave Taylor, Ministry team at St George’s Paddington, Sydney

Dave: “I’ve always thought of modern atheism as being escapist.”

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