With all appeals exhausted, convicted Bali nine organisers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukamaran received 72 hours notice of their executions over the weekend. The Indonesian government has not officially announced the date of the executions.

Close family, friends and lawyers have been with the pair since the official notification was issued.

One of those who has been with Andrew and Myuran is Christie Buckingham, Senior Pastor of Bayside Church in Melbourne.

Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukamaran were given 72 hours notice of their execution over the weekend.

Rob Buckingham, Christie’s husband, is back in Australia and he spoke with Eternity about what’s happening at the moment.

“They’re [Myuran and Andrew] obviously very sad, facing the threat of imminent execution,” says Pastor Rob.

“Myuran has asked to spend his final days with family, and painting, which is where he finds solace. Andrew asked for lots of time with family and in time of worship and prayer.”

Yesterday afternoon Christie led all nine inmates facing execution in communion. “They sat around and sang worship songs together, they sung Matt Redman’s 10,000 Reasons together,” Rob told Eternity.

“The majority of the nine inmates facing execution are Christians,” says Rob. “One is now a gospel singer. Many of them attended the worship session yesterday, with their families.”

Rob says, “I believe that while there’s life, there’s hope. So we can pray for a last minute stay of execution.”

“The Indonesian justice system has worked, [Andrew and Myuran] are no longer drug traffickers. They have been responsible for the reform of others. Why not let them continue?”

“Michael Chan, the brother of Andrew Chan has requested that Australians remember Andrew as a pastor, not as the kingpin,” says Rob. “If the executions go ahead, he wants their legacy to live on, not as they were, but as what they are.”

72 hours will expire in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Australian Eastern Standard Time.

Rob says, “Pray for a miracle”.

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