Lessons from the ’59 Billy Graham Crusade
Karl Faase takes a look at why the Australian leg of the Billy Graham crusades in ’59 were so successful. “It would seem that the view of many in our churches today are sceptical of the effectiveness of this style of mass evangelism and large events now. They would say that we have “moved on” from that approach to evangelism. While this may be an acceptable view, it could be helpful to look closely at the ‘59 Crusades and consider why they made such an impact.” Read the full analysis here.

The Big Story of the Bible – new video
The Gospel Project Chronological is a new resource devised by Ed Stetzer and Trevin Wax, “a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study for Kids, Students, and Adults that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ.” They’ve  just released this new video as part of the project, aimed at explaining the big story of the Bible to kids. We think it might be useful for people of all ages… View the adult version here.

How Sufjan Stevens subjverts the stigma of Christian music
This article on the Atlantic website is written by secular author Dave Eggers, who recently interviewed the popular indie artist, Sufjan Stevens. He takes an interesting look at CHristian music and where Sufjan sits in that genre.”Representing a different camp of “Christian art,” with completely different motives and characteristics, he’s distinct among other artists of faith, who tend to produce bad, kitschy work—whether heavy-handed films like Facing the Giantsand Fireproof, or the musical travesties on the Wow compilation albums. Instead of dealing directly with religious or biblical matters, Stevens’ music embodies what theologian Francis Schaeffer called the “totality of life,” as opposed some sort of “self-conscious evangelism”—an approach that turns the whole Christian-music stigma on its head.”

Celebrating Palm Sunday in the West Bank
“Hundreds of people gather in the West Bank on Sunday to mark the beginning of Holy Week. Carrying palm fronds and branches, worshippers sing and chant as they commemorate the day the Bible says Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Christian Palestinians observed the day by walking to the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem.” Watch the video here:

The Seven Last Sayings of Christ
In the approach to Easter, this blog has been taking a look at the seven last sayings of Christ. This post looks at the fourth of Jesus’ sayings from the cross: “Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’”(Matthew 27:45–46). A verse rich in meaning and mystery, it’s unpacked here by John MacArthur. Check out the rest of Jesus’ sayings on the blog.

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