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Saturday 22nd June 2013

Maybe the ADF needs to recover a sense of chivalry – Mike Bird/Online Opinion
“…in terms of what it means to be a chivalrous male, it would mean, riffing off St. Paul’s Carmen Christi – God himself becoming the ultimate servant – that masculinity is not something to be exploited for aggression and abuse, but to be placed in a position of helplessness so that others need not be.”
Mike served in the ADF for 13 years, and is now a theological lecturer based in Melbourne. Read his reflections here.

The challenge of naturalism and the ‘heretic’ who’s challenging it – Skandalon/Weekly Standard
A link to a weighty article which considers the controversy surrounding atheist philosopher Thomas Nagel and his recent book which criticises evolution. Important to read to understand the currents of thought out there in the philosophical and scientific world at the moment, and which are impacting how the gospel is understood (and rejected). Read the article here.

Wired to Work: Working it out in the local church – Distinct Disciples
Australian ministry to workers Distinct Disciples shares some ideas on how to encourage Christians working in the secular world. Read more here.

Want to change the world? Sponsor a child – Christianity Today
A development economist set about researching the effectiveness of child sponsorship, using Compassion’s model of individual sponsorship to collect data in six countries and found it was incredibly beneficial for the child sponsored. See the results and process here.

Raising Kids in a City of Light and Shadows – Laurel Moffatt
The wife of an inner-city Sydney pastor talks about the challenges and blessings of raising kids in the unpredictable world of the city. Read more here.