Today is World Mental Health Day and the beginning of National Mental Health Week. This year in Australia, mental health organisations, experts and support services are all uniting around a simple message: “Look after your mental health, Australia.”

“It is a simple call to action for the one in five Australians affected by mental illness annually, and for the many more impacted by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and the increased uncertainty and anxiety that has ensued over the last six months,” says Mental Health Australia.

Mental health and wellbeing

One in five Australians are affected by mental illness annually, yet many don’t seek help because of stigma. In Christian circles, the stigma can be exacerbated by a false belief that Christians don’t face these same battles, or that those who do are somehow spiritually deficient.

Here at Eternity, we know Christians face mental health challenges just like non-Christians do, and we regularly publish articles on the subject. We also know that a believer’s faith in God can play a huge role in their journey towards wholeness – a journey that often also includes seeking professional medical help and other support.

Here is five our best from the last year.

If you are experiencing mental health challenges or supporting someone who is, check out this comprehensive list of services, resources and support options from Mental Health Australia.

Need help now? Call 000 in Australia.


Some prayer points to help

During this week, please pray for those who live with mental health challenges.

It might be you, we hope the stories inspire you, to seek help in the most appropriate way, and to pray, too.

It might be someone you know. Please pray for them and all involved – especially their close supporters, and health workers.

Thank God, that he is as close as a prayer.