Don’t Work! Do What You Love Instead!

You can place the following in the category ‘things you’re likely to hear as you finish Year 12’:

“Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

We thank Confucius for this pearl that falls, maybe a little too effortlessly, from the mouths of those around us. Is it true? If I find what I love and make a career of it will it never feel like work? But more importantly – is it grounded in wisdom from God?

The idea is that if you follow your passion then work won’t feel as ‘worky’. It sounds good, and it’s right to recognise the way God has uniquely created us with different gifts, personalities, and biological traits. So, yes, it is worth asking what our passions are as we finish year 12; but there are perhaps some questions of greater value we can consider first.

What are God’s passions and priorities?

Are God’s values the values that are fundamentally shaping my life choices?

How is God at work in our world right now? What would it look like to work alongside him in that pursuit?

As people who have chosen to follow Jesus, it’s important that the decisions we make reflect his values and priorities. Entering into adulthood we’re granted new levels of independence and autonomy we haven’t experienced before, so how do 18 to 21 year olds discern and make these decisions in a faithful manner?

The Bridge gap year at SMBC has seen over 200 18 to 21 year olds students explore these questions among Christian friends within a program of regular cross-cultural outings, a three week trip overseas observing God at work among all peoples, lectures from SMBC’s world class faculty, and of course, fun! One of the most significant supports in our pursuit of Jesus at this age is the depth of relationships among our peers, so there is plenty of space for hanging out – often this is where the learning becomes personalised and real.

A gap year, yes, loaded with global experience and good times. But intentional too, a foundational year of grounding in God’s word before next steps in our career – for many with the accreditation of a full Diploma of Theology, and the blessing of new friendships that encourage and spur you in faith. These are priceless outcomes for our young adults in Australia where faith in Jesus is increasingly marginalised. What a privilege then to have students like Beth who did The Bridge in 2020 affirm [The Bridge] “really taught me how to live as a Christian. Not just to know about Jesus and to love Jesus but how to put that into practice.” Beth’s testimony captures the heart of the Bridge program.

Where do Bridge students come from and would I fit in?

We’ve had students from all over Australia, the majority having just finished year 12 and wanting this grounding in faith before they go onto further study or into the work force. Each year also sees students who grew up overseas joining The Bridge as a helpful transition back into Australian culture. Others have started a degree or apprenticeship and realise they’re still uncertain about life directions and would like a year in Christian community to grow and clarify next steps. In short – 18 to 21 year olds from all backgrounds and walks of life have done, and loved, The Bridge. The common factor? Followers of Jesus that want to grow in their walk with him. The diversity of life experience adds to the opportunity.

Don’t JUST work – Work while discovering what God loves! Apply Now

Register for an upcoming info session at the SMBC campus or online: Saturday 5th November at 10am 

In the meantime, you can see what we have been up to this year on our socials – Facebook and Instagram

The Bridge is accepting applications now for the 2023 program, beginning in February. All the information can be found on the website or the team would be more than happy to talk further and answer questions – contact them via email

By Ben Powell – Director of The Bridge gap year at SMBC

Hear from some of the students on how The Bridge laid a foundation for the rest of their lives