Quiz Worx, a puppet-based children’s ministry, did a massive COVID pivot – moving from live shows in schools to more video. They are back in some schools for Easter, but the good news is that they have a new video for Easter.

“All the difference in the world” follows what happens when brother and sister Jerra and Skye seek the help of a pair of detectives to find out “Is Jesus really alive?” and “What difference does it make?”

Spoiler alert: the bumbling detectives, Detective Oswald Holmes and Rosie [Watson] from The Easter Investigation Unit (EIU), manage to get good answers.

This free Easter video is ideal for use in SRE (NSW) and RI (QLD) classes and assemblies.

It gets good reviews from some professional kids’ workers and an experienced evangelist.

“The video is terrific. I’ll be very happy to use it in my classes at Easter. Your videos just keep getting better and better. Good on you!” Sally Smith, Godspace writing team leader

“I love this video. You guys have done an awesome job in handling probably the most difficult subject for SRE teachers.” Shelley Ashton, Team Leader-SRE | Baptist Association NSW & ACT

“We all need to know that Jesus makes all the difference! And the best way to find out is from rubber chickens, fluffy puppets…and the stories of changed lives. Thank You Quiz Worx for your latest Easter Video.” Rev Dr Sam Chan

Watch the promo and access this free resource at quizworx.com/AllTheDifference

“All the difference in the world” is one of a range of resources Bible Society is making available as part of the “Jesus all about Life“ campaign that backs local churches by providing resources. Over 800 churches have now signed up.


Jesus all about life

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