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Notes from Episode 3: social justice and the gospel

In For Argument’s Sake, Megan and Michael argue over the validity of a new statement delivered from the US called The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel, which suggests social justice movements are leading people away from Jesus. It’s a topic Megan is particularly passionate about: she’s doing her doctoral research on it, in fact.

The pair discuss the huge controversy over the statement, including among people you’d think would have agreed. So … is social justice the gospel? And if it’s not, how do you distinguish the two? Tune in to hear the arguments.

Here are a few other commentators that Megan and Michael refer to in this discussion: Al Mohler. Ryan Burton KingRussell Moore. Tim KellerJohn Stott.

In the Discomfort Zone, Megan suggests reading Lisa Sharon Harper’s book, The Very Good Gospelwhich Megan says gives a very ‘social justice flavour’ to the gospel. But while there are plenty of things Michael liked, he’s not so keen on what he feels is a lack of talk about the cross and atonement.

Then, in Marg and Dave, Michael and Megan listen to Hozier, and talk about the lyrics that can get under your skin, the visceral anger the artist has against the Catholic church and what Hozier, and the Bible, have to say about sex.

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Find out more about the hosts of With All Due Respect:

Rev Dr Michael Jensen, rector at St Mark’s Anglican Darling Point, author, public commentator.

Rev Megan Powell du Toit, ordained Baptist minister, Publishing Manager of the Australian College of Theology, editor of the journal Colloquium.

We got the idea of our two header theology and culture podcast from this show: The Movie Show/At the Movies.

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