Jesus is getting bigger in Brazil, as the country famous for Rio de Janiero’s towering Christ the Redeemer is building a new, taller structure.

The ‘Christ the Protector’ statue in the city of Encantado will be 43 metres, while the ‘Redeemer’ statue only reaches 38 metres.

This week, the head and outstretched arms were added to the giant statue.

For those who are not up with the height of Jesus statues around the globe, ‘Christ the Protector’ will be become the world’s third tallest.

To visit the biggest, head to Sulawesi, Indonesia, to take in the ‘Jesus Buntu Burake’ statue at 52.55 metres. Only five centimentres smaller is the ‘Christ the King’ statue in Swiebodzin, Poland (52.5 metres).

Started in 2019, the ‘Christ the Protector’ statue will cost $US350,000 (approx $AUD451,577) and will feature a viewing platform in Jesus’ chest – around the 40 metre mark.

This week, the head and outstretched arms were added to the giant statue conceived by former mayor Adroaldo Conzatti (who died in March, due to Covid-19).

“It is a day for celebration, for devotion,” said Gilson Conzatti, Aldroaldo’s son and a local councillor.

The Association of the Friends of Christ group hopes the statue will be completed later this year, thanks to donations from individuals and companies.

According to France24, the statue’s developers hope it will “inspire faith and encourage tourism to the area”.

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