Read the Bible with… Kate Arthur

I live in Geraldton, WA, and attend the Anglican Cathedral of the Holy Cross.

Name a Bible character you resonate with and why.

I absolutely love David. David’s honesty and vulnerability draws me to him. He also knew times of brokenness and sin, joy and heartache, confusion and answered prayer… just like me.

What are you reading in the Bible at the moment?

I am just launching into James. And I’m already being smacked over the head by it. It happens every time with James.

What’s one thing from the Bible that’s stuck in your brain at the moment?

That God has a plan and it cannot be thwarted. I find this scary, humbling and exciting all at once. I need to learn to trust God’s plan more and be less afraid of the future. He has it sorted.

Name one part of the Bible you keep coming back to again and again and why.

The Psalms. They are emotionally raw, and they often express my thoughts, feelings and observations in life in a way that I simply don’t have the ability to do. How on earth can something written so long ago by a Jewish King express my life and relationship with God today so perfectly?

Describe one of your Bible reading failures and what you learned.

Ha! Where do I start with this one? I think my biggest ongoing failure is wallowing in the guilt associated with not reading my Bible for a day, or a week, or even months on end. Instead of thinking “Oh no! I haven’t even cracked open my Bible for 12 days!” and then being completely disheartened and avoiding it even longer, I have learned that it isn’t about ticking the box, or even punishing myself for skipping a day. Rather, it is about getting to know God – His thoughts, His actions and His plans. This is a relationship. I pray for a desire to get to know Him and an attitude of reliance on His Word.

Just for fun: If you were a monster what would be your defining feature?

That I would be caffeine fuelled (of the coffee variety). Oh, and have big hair.

Read the Bible with ...-4

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