J.I. Packer on losing his sight: “God knows what he’s up to,” says the author of Knowing God and Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, J.I. Packer. “And I’ve had enough experiences of his goodness in all sorts of ways not to have any doubt about the present circumstances.” He adds, “Some good, something for his glory, is going to come out of it.” Read more…

Bearing our burdens in lament: This Christianity Today article explores why public lament is more than just another hot take or social media rant. “The public nature of lament allows an opportunity for Christians to bear one another’s burdens. Anyone who has walked through the valley of the shadow of death knows it is much easier to keep plodding with a friend nearby. Sometimes the greatest comfort in times of disaster is another person or a chorus of people who weep with you.” Read more…

Gospel contradictions: Dr Michael Licona has been working on some cutting-edge research related to Gospel contradictions.

“Even though Gospel differences didn’t worry me in terms of the truth of Christianity, they did rattle my confidence in the historical reliability of the Gospels. This research suggests that almost all of the differences we observe in the Gospels probably resulted from the use of compositional devices that were part and parcel of the literary conventions of ancient historical writing and were not the result of the Gospel authors using inaccurate sources or being pitifully inept historians. Once I understood this, I thought, “Wow, that’s pretty cool!” I may not be able to know whether the centurion was present. My guess is he didn’t show up, that the event played out closer to how Luke narrates the story, and that Matthew altered the details in order to simplify… This is one of many examples I could cite where the Gospel authors employ various compositional devices that resulted in differences.” Read more…

The gospel on the US campaign trail: The United States politics is very different. Here’s a great example, Marco Rubio, Republican candidate for President, gets asked a question by an atheist (who videos it) and shares the gospel with him on the campaign trail. Look past a little “this is a great country” stuff and see if you think he did a good job.

WIN! Win a double pass to see RISEN with Eternity News: Thanks to Heritage Films, you have the chance to win tickets to RISEN, the story of a powerful Roman Centurion charged by Pontius Pilate to investigate the rumours of a risen Jewish messiah and to locate the missing body of Yeshua (Jesus of Nazareth) in order to quell an imminent uprising in Jerusalem during the first 40 days following Christ’s resurrection.

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