If you are over 40, you can now get vaccinated.* Below, Sydney pastor Mike Doyle, shares an exhortation he gave to his church about why everyone should get the jab. 

I want to encourage you – as strongly as I can – if you’re able to get a COVID Vaccination – get a COVID Vaccination.

Get vaccinated because it’s an act of love for those around us.

When you get vaccinated – it helps protect people around you from getting COVID. It will help people. Your family. Your friends. Your church. Your whole neighbourhood. It will help all Australia, and help us return to life “as normal”.

Get vaccinated because it protects those who are weak and vulnerable.

There are some people who are not able to get vaccinated for a range of medical reasons. This means they will never have the protection a vaccination offers.

Sadly – these people are also the most at risk of dying from COVID.

If you don’t get vaccinated – you are putting these people at significant risk. To be blunt – you are a danger to these people. By not getting vaccinated, you are threatening their lives.

You can act now, get vaccinated, and do all you can to help them.

I want every person in our church and community to be protected, as much as we are able to.

The vaccination is a blessing from God.

You will note that I haven’t said “Get Vaccinated as it will help protect you”. It’s true – it will help protect you. But, for those who follow Jesus, we follow the one who “did not come to be served, but to give his life as a ransom for many”. We follow the Lord who said that if we want to be his follower, we must “pick up our cross and follow him”.

Our primary motivation is not to help ourselves – but to help others. To love others. And that should be our motivation to get vaccinated – and get vaccinated as soon as you can.

A couple of other things:

I’ve heard some people say that they don’t need to get vaccinated because “God will protect them”. This is rubbish. A lie. A dangerous misunderstanding of God’s word and how God works in our world. God works in and through our world – and have given us Doctors and Scientists to help us and be a blessing to us.

The vaccination is a blessing from God. God is using this vaccine to help protect you from the virus. Receive it with thanks.

Also, some have said to me: “Mike – but what about the risk the vaccination presents?”. It is true, the vaccination does present a risk.You can never eliminate risk in life. However, it is worth noting that any risk the vaccine may pose is significantly smaller than the risk of contracting and dying from COVID.

It is much more likely you will be injured when driving your car than receiving the COVID vaccine. However – even with that risk – the follower of Jesus is called to love others in the way that Jesus loved us. Which means taking risks for the sake of others. If you are taking a risk to help look after and love others – that’s exactly what Jesus did as he loved us – giving his very life to us, to bring us forgiveness for our sins, and a life of wonderful service to God.

How can you get vaccinated? The great news us – it’s free for all people living in Australia, no matter what your visa or Medicare status is!

Book a vaccination at a state government clinic with the links below – or check out whether your GP is offering COVID vaccines.









Mike Doyle tells his churches “If you need help, speak to me. We are more than happy to help!”

Eternity is sure that will also apply to the vast majority of ministers.

Mike Doyle is senior pastor of St James Anglican church and Lighthouse church in Berala in Western Sydney.

National coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccine helpline
Call this line if you need information about COVID-19, COVID-19 vaccines or help with the COVIDSafe app. The line operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

1800 020 080 (24-hour help line)

* This varies by state and territory. In the NT vaccination is now open to people as young as 16. Even in NSW people younger than 40 can get vaccinated if they work in health and some other professions.

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