Movie reviews: Who says you have to play by the rules?

Who says you must play by the rules? Why can’t you be a law unto yourself, rather than subject to laws?

Lawless, out now on DVD.

According to two new releases on DVD and Blu-ray, operating by your own code of conduct is a lifestyle choice which beats living like everybody else. Even when repercussions are corrosive or potentially lethal.

Lawless and Killing Them Softly are American crime studies, directed by Australians film-makers John Hillcoat and Andrew Dominik. Set in vastly different eras, both promote illegal activities as considerable careers.

Based on a true story about rural bootleggers during Prohibition, star-studded Lawless dapperly slots into the evergreen tradition of presenting criminals as heroes. When the lead law-man is a sadistic creep (Guy Pearce), be assured we are meant to cheer for the criminal fraternity.

Killing Them Softly meanders after Jackie Cogan (Brad Pitt), a smooth enforcer ordered to sort out two petty thieves who brazenly stole from mobsters. Where Lawless galvanizes its support behind the bootleggers by presenting the police as corrupt, Cogan’s world is devoid of anyone but lawbreakers.

Both films follow figures who carry on as if they won’t – or can’t – be held to account. Deep down, many of us believe the same thing. Jesus didn’t. The Son of God stated clearly that every person will be judged, ultimately, by his heavenly father’s righteous standards.

In Matthew 25:45-46, Jesus confirms that crimes against God will only result in eternal punishment. Unless we believe, trust and submit to his graceful authority. Not our own rules.