Eternity deputy editor.

FAV FOOD: triple cream Brie and Lavosh

CAREER HIGHLIGHT: working in Canberra during the Hawke/Keating era and flying across Australia in a commonwealth jet with Paul Keating as he promoted his consumption tax policy ✈️

Ukraine crisis as Russia invades

Now working for the Kingdom of Heaven at Eternity! (God saved the best for last.)

FAV BIBLE VERSE: Philippians 4:13

HAVE YOU EVER CUT YOUR OWN HAIR? I used to cut my fringe with nail scissors when I was at school, does that count?

SWEET OR SALTY TREATS: I used to love cheesecake in my youth but now it’s cheese and crackers all the way!

FAV SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: English, of course!

PHOBIAS: I hate heights. Not allowed to hate spiders as my son screams at the sight of them.

WHAT I MOST VALUE IN LIFE: God’s love and forgiveness. There is so much to forgive!

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