Leprosy colonies transformed by Christ’s love
Three myths of supervision
Embracing the new in 2024
We’re here. The beginning of a new year. 2023 is only a few days past.…
Meet real needs this Christmas
Sharing the joy of Christmas God so loved this lost world that he gave us…
Grandmother at 35 and our God of generations
Today, FEBC Australia would like to share God’s impact across generations and centuries. In this…
How good could it be?
For a Christian what is good is completely connected with what is God. But in…
Thinking about switching to a more meaningful career?
Are you considering a shift to a more meaningful career? If so, you’re not alone.…
Reaching step and single parent families
As a single mum of two children under four, Karina’s life was athwart with difficulties…
Looking for Christmas inspiration? Three reasons Useful Gifts are the answer
Charity gift cards have grown in popularity over the years, but do they really make…